Common Geographic Coordinate Conversions in San Diego County
Coordinates in NAD83/WGS84
Convert CA State Plane Zone 6
Enter state Plane (6) Northing and Easting (feet) and click the Right arrow, or enter decimal Latitude and Longitude and click the Left arrow.
State Plane (6) Northing (feet)
State Plane (6) Easting (feet)
Latitude (decimal degrees)
Longitude (decimal degrees)
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Convert UTM Zone 11
Enter UTM Northing and Easting (Zone 11, meters) and click the Right arrow, or enter decimal Latitude and Longitude and click the Left arrow.
UTM Northing (meters)
UTM Easting (meters)
Latitude (decimal degrees)
Longitude (decimal degrees)
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Convert Deg Min Sec
Enter Decimal degrees in the left text box and click the right arrow, or enter Degrees, Minutes (integer or decimal), Seconds in the right text boxes and click the left arrow.
Dec Degrees
Degrees Minutes Seconds
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Distance Between Points
Western, Northern hemispheres
Enter decimal Latitude, longitude pairs and click the Right arrow.
Latitude 1:
Longitude 1:
Latitude 2:
Longitude 2:
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What Atlas Square Am I In?
©2016 San Diego Natural History Museum