This web site, and the related web site, BajaFlora, were developed by the SDNHM Botany Department to support the study of the plants of San Diego and Imperial Counties, California, and the two states of Baja California in Mexico. The search features in these two web sites allow users to search among the 116,012 collections of the two southern California counties and the 54,484 collections from Baja California.
However, the SDNHM Herbarium holds nearly 265,000 collections from many states and countries. Because SDNHM is a member of the Consortium of California
Herbaria (CCH2), the data of all our collections, and many images of those collections, are available at the CCH2 web site. This page provides an
introduction to using the CCH2 searching feature to access our complete herbarium collections.
©2021 San Diego Natural History Museum