Find a San Diego County Plant Name
Source: Checklist of the Vascular Plants of San Diego County, 5th Ed., 2014 (updated)

To find a name: Use the drop-down list to select the type of name you are looking for: Scientific or Common Name. Enter the name or part of the name in the box to the right. Do not use wildcards.
Example: select Common Name in the drop-down box. Enter '"tail" in the box to the right. Click Find Matching Names. Results will include Beavertail Cactus, Foxtail Chess, Squirreltail, etc.
To see photographs of representative samples of the plant, click Photo to go to the CalPhotos website. Please note that the CalPhotos database was developed by the UC Berkeley Digital Library Project, and it may not include photos for all of the plants in your search. Many of the images were contributed by native plant enthusiasts, not botanists; there is no guarantee that the plants shown in the photos have been correctly identified.

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